Photography: Ranka Delić

Danilo’s artistic expression started with poetry and spoken word. There was a dream for self realization as a writter. For many years theater was his sideshow and it served Danilo to express his poetry on the stage, in better words it was in the service of poetry. Research for the very first piece started with a bunch of manuscripts, hours of interviews from Sonja Savić and obsession with her tragic destiny. With the other two co-creators Danilo made his first theatrical performance “In the Volume of the Circle – Dialogue with Sonja Savić” (2013)

Sonja Savić, a great  Yugoslav actress, was a kind of tragic icon of the turbulent nineties after the dissolution of Yugoslavia. During those times Sonja was one of the rare public figures who stood against dominant nacionalistic war propaganda in Serbia. Most of the time she was a lone voice in the midst of chaos. For his first work Danilo took Sonja Savić as a collocutor in the imagined dialogue. On one side, there was his own experience with drug addiction, war, identity and on the other side there was music and statements from Sonja’s interviews recorded over the years. Together with other two performers and co-creators, dialogue was built through the devising process.  

Direction and concept: Danilo Jovanović

Performers and content co-creators: 

Belma Šteta

Azar Čaušević

Danilo Jovanović

Music and sound assistance: Ilvana Dizdarević

Photography: Ranka Delić

Photography: Ranka Delić