Open call


Physical theater company “Side Effect” is organizing the very first Open Soul concept – intensive workshop designed for performers. This is a unique opportunity to get a glimpse of the company’s creative process and learn about our vision of theater. Our method The Open Soul concept is a learning platform for performers to gain knowledge and challenge themselves. 

More about the Open Soul concept can be found here. This workshop is an introduction for an upcoming long term educational program which will include intensive training with a work in progress presentation as a final outcome.

The introduction program is tailored for performers with basic/advanced performing experience. 

Topic of the workshop is “Sex and Body”. The Open Soul concept relies on physical theater and storytelling and being more specific: body, spoken word and movement as a central point for creative research. Topic will be explored through mentioned elements and it will serve as a connecting foundation for creative research.  

During the workshop following aspects of performing will be explored:

– Daily movement as element for choreography development

– Relation of body with different surfaces

– Relation of body with different object

– Tension and speed as creative forces

– Working with emotions as creative fuel

– Working with different energetical qualities of the movement 

– Working with performer’s inner characters 

– Costume as integral element of performance

– Storytelling and usage of spoken word

Another important segment of the workshop is sound. During the creative journey, participants will get a chance to explore the relation of movement with different sounds exclusively tailored for this workshop. 

On top of everything, the workshop is designed to evoke a sense of having fun and experiencing the joy of being on stage. As a company we are excited and thrilled to be able to offer the knowledge, skills and tools and to share a stage with new faces. 

Workshop trainers are: Danilo Jovanović – Artistic Director of the company, Shahrzad Nazarpour – Performer in the company and Iva Marković – Company’s Executive Directress and performer. Sound is tailored by the company’s Audio Visual Director Yasemin Duru. More about trainers can be found here

The workshop is also an opportunity to be casted for the company’s upcoming productions. 


Date: Sunday 5th and Monday 6th of June 2022

Time: 12h – 18h on both days

Duration:Total duration of the workshop is 12 hours, 6 hours each day. (3 divided blocks with breaks)

Venue: Selbstlaut, Thaliastraße 2, 1160, Vienna

Application process: Send us your CV/portfolio and written answer on the question: “What is sex for you?” to email:

Deadline for application: June 1st 2022

Price for participation: 200 euros

Scholarship: Physical Theater Company Side Effect provides two scholarships which includes full coverage of the workshop cost. Scholarships are imagined as a way of support for artists/performers who are facing financial challenges. If you’re a scholarship candidate, feel free to contact us at:

Snacks and refreshments are provided throughout the entire duration of the workshop.

Since the number of participants is limited, we will inform all selected participants as soon as the selection process is finished.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us on:

We are looking forward to your applications and opportunity to meet you on stage!

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