Physical Theater Company Side Effect Open Call


The Physical Theater Company “Side Effect” is proud to announce the realization/the beginning of the project “Wider Worte!” supported by the Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport. 

This project shall create unique connections of artistic form and expression devised in an open lab and the establishment of a space to discover new approaches through joint action of several partners. 
Voices are given to untold stories and perspectives. 
Wider Worte is exploring ideas of innovative connections. It showcases how different actors on the cultural scene can come together to offer an artistic and cultural production, including many perspectives, as well as reaching different audiences.  
Side Effect is using this opportunity to invite people with migrant experience/identity/background to take a part in our project activities/theatrical process.  
This time we are aiming to explore personal stories, memories, experiences of workshop participants/performers by using „the phone“ as a starting point for our creative research.
In this creative process the mobile phone or any other phone shall serve as a symbol in the context of migration. 
Often, the phone is the only connection with what we call home, with everything that we left behind. 
Through video calls and Instagram ‚lives‘ we are celebrating, sharing, hoping…Phones are a tool for sending money back home, they are gifts that we are sending and sometimes represent the only connection we have with our mother tongue languages. On other occasions we use video calls just to look at each other, to hold and remember significant moments that are happening while we are physically absent. Phones are a reminder of belonging, of broken relations, of the idea of home, of how much we care about each other, and of the separation from the loved ones.

With joy and excitement, we invite people with migrant experience/identity/background to apply and partake in our theatrical process, which will be conceptualized in the form of a workshop. The final result is a Work in Progress to be publicly presented. 
The workshop will take place on four weekends. 
First part is on 11, 12, and 13.03. 
Second part is on 18, 19, and 20.03. 
Third part is on 25, 26 and 27.03. 
Final part is on 01, 02 and 03.04. 
The very last day is reserved for rehearsal in the theater and the public presentation. 
Exact working hours and venues will be disclosed with the confirmation of participation. 
Attendance is mandatory during the entirety of the workshop, since it is oriented by the process. 
Previous theatrical experience is not required for participation. 
Physical theater director Danilo Jovanović is guiding the theatrical process. 
His Open Soul Method is used for creative development. 
You can find more about method on About us
INFO: The number of workshop participants is limited so we invite you to send us your applications till March 5th latest. 
The participation in the theatrical process is free of charge. Send your applications and eventual questions to 
Your application should contain your name, surname, age and a short motivation for why you want to participate in this workshop. You will receive a confirmation email with detailed instructions and logistic details, as soon as you send your application. Snacks and refreshment are provided during the entirety of the workshop.

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